Fraudulent Studies And Arson: Bill Gates & Company Did Everything Possible To Kill Early Treatment [VIDEO]

“You cannot grant an emergency use authorization for a vaccine if there is an existing drug…”

BY Zach Heilman, RED VOICE

With the COVID-19 pandemic spreading for over two years, numerous governments around the world continue to institute outlandish measures, hoping to defeat the coronavirus. In Shanghai, China, residents have been forced inside their homes without any means to take care of themselves. Several videos have been uploaded showing the horrible conditions the citizens are being forced to endure. At the same time, the COVID-19 drug made by Pfizer is still being pushed on people as Robert F. Kennedy Jr. admitted that there were already drugs in place that proved way better than the supposed miracle drug.

Speaking with Creative Destruction Media, RFK Jr., as can be seen in the video below, detailed how both Dr. Anthony Fauci and billionaire Bill Gates knew about these alternative treatments. He said, “[Bill Gates] and Fauci knew from the beginning, as did the entire cartel, that it was critical to kill early treatments. Why? One, obviously early treatments are going to compete with the vaccine. But more important is what everybody needs to understand. A little known federal law regulation that says if you cannot grant an early emergency use authorization for a vaccine if there is an existing drug, and it has been approved for any purpose that is demonstrated effective against the target disease.”

RFK Jr. added, “Drugs like ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine, or monoclonal antibodies were demonstrated to be effective against COVID. If the entire vaccine enterprise would follow the pieces, there would have been no vaccine and no, there would have been no emergency use authorizations.”

But what exactly happened to hydroxychloroquine? “Hydroxychloroquine was available over the counter all over the world. And these governments began reclassifying it early in January 2020 as an essential over the counter prescription medication. Class 8 poison. And all over Africa there were reports of trucks coming to villages. The cities were buying out hydroxychloroquine supply and burning them. One of the biggest producers of hydroxychloroquine in the world, a Taiwanese factory had arson. Other factories in our country that made components of hydroxychloroquine that also were burned, other companies were persuaded to donate their entire inventory of hydroxychloroquine.”

Last month, Senators in Kansas passed a bill that forced pharmacies to fill prescriptions for drugs like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine for fighting COVID-19. Sen. Mark Steffen at the time said, “Thousands of Kansans and hundreds of thousands of Americans have died because of this propaganda that shut down early treatment. I fully believe that this passage of this bill through the Senate will gain national attention and help be a very important part of getting the care to the people who need it.”

On the opposite side, Democrat Cindy Holscher claimed, “With this provision, a doctor can write a prescription for abortion medication under the guise of COVID, and the pharmacist must fill it.”


April 23, 2022 | Comments »

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