[..]Though Netanyahu had summoned 13 Knesset members, only eight showed up, and many said he had reiterated old arguments.
The prime minister presented the MKs with three principles from which he would refuse to stray under US pressure. He said he would reject any additional freeze on settlements, demand that the US veto a Palestinian unilateral declaration of statehood at the UN, and stress that no agreement will be pressed upon Israel at the end of the 90-day moratorium on construction. [..]
Ted asked about reprecussions and I said that without the freeze and Israeli restrictions (administrative) up to another half million Jews would be moving to Y & S. Why because the housing is cheaper of a higher standard than the inner city. (suburban)All of Y & S is close to either Tel Aviv or Jerusalem. For some there is a Zionist/religious motivation for living there.
Since the barrier fence it is understood understood that that fence would be our future border. Those Jews living east of the fence would be marked for dismantlement and the rest believe they are safe, and less likely to protest or support those at risk.
I am not sure what is in your mind here Yamit.
Do you mean all the rest of Judea and Samaria?
I think from your past you cannot mean that so maybe i pick you up wrongly…
Yes, once they are all approved. Demand is there and will increase over time. Not much land in Israel so eastward expansion is a must.
Hundreds of thousands of Jews would be living on a high standard of suburban living close to Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. All the rest? who cares?
The question should be phrased , Can Israel afford not having a rift with America? I say no.
nuclear umbrella? What’s that? We have enough with out Americas. If You mean they will protect us from an enemies nulear rain against us? How would that work after it has begun to rain nukes on us?
Really? Like what?
Bibi might for the purposes of the give and take of negotiations make any proposals he wishes, but when the chips are down, will there really be a resumption of full scale construction? and if there are, what would be the repercussions?
Can Israel afford a serious rift with America?. What about Iran? What about the U.S. nuclear umbrella?
There a lot of unresolved issues now that make cooperation with America much more important than anytime in the past
I guess that means that’s the end of the freeze talk.